Re: RARA-AVIS: Maltese Falcon

From: Patrick King (
Date: 25 May 2008

--- Nathan Cain <> wrote:

> People lie all the time when they rear the
> consequences of the truth.
> If that makes someone crazy then we're all nuts.
> Even little children
> lie. Psychotics exhibit symptoms like hallucinations
> and thought
> disorders. A psychotic doesn't think she's lying,
> and there's the big
> difference. Brigid doesn't see things that aren't
> there, and her
> actions, to me, seems more Machiavellian than they
> do crazy. She's
> playing for keeps, and she has an ends justify the
> means philosophy.
***************************************************** As with all diseases, there are varying degrees of psychosis. Hallucinations are not a required symptom of psychosis. Even among the famous psychotics who claimed hallucinations like David Berkowitz, the claims are questionable. Psychosis implys a world view altered from that generally accepted. The brother who thought he was Teddy Roosevelt in ARSNIC AND OLD LACE was psychotic. The belief that there is a "dingus" handed down from the Knights of Malta, encrusted in jewels covered with lacquer, is fanciful. Killing people to get hold of it, is psychotic.

Most children and even more teenagers display at some point or other behaviors that can be classifieded as psychotic. This is why, in civilized states, children are not tried by the same requirements adults are. The belief in Santa Clause or a world where Santa Clause-like beings exist is psychotic. Very intelligent children never really buy into it. Most people grow out of it. Most religious beliefs, having no empirical evidence to back them up, represent a shared psychosis which is why religions are so dangerous.

The Machivellian world view is largely a psychotic one. In modern usage, it's Machivellian to take your boss out to dinner regularly and buy him gifts. It's psychotic to encourage him to sleep with your wife or murder him to gain his job.

Ted Bundy was a psychotic. His psychosis made it impossible for him to attain sexual gratification with living women. In order for him to have dead women to have sex with, he found it most expedient to kill them himself. He didn't have hallucinations. In fact he was pretty shrewd. It was the belief that he could only achieve pleasure with the dead that drove him crazy.

Patrick King


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