Re: RARA-AVIS: Edward Anderson - Thieves Like Us

From: William Hagen (
Date: 11 May 2002

W VR had a question about the ending of Thieves Like Us posted last weekend.

Your reading matches mine. The book is fairly straightforward, so the most logical answer seems the best.

Anyone read Anderson's Desperate Men (think that's the title)? Recommend it?

>But I have a question about the ending and figured
>this was the place so...

>At the end the newspaper account reports the 'Laws'
>were tipped off and someone was being released from
>prison in exchange. Was Mattie the person to tip off
>the authorities in exchange for the release of her
>husband? I think I have it but would appreciate anyone
>clearing that up if I misunderstood.
>Thanks in advance
>End spoiler
>End post!

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