RE: RARA-AVIS: manchurian candidate

From: Anders Engwall (ERA) (
Date: 21 Sep 2001

Carrie Pruett:

> to add to the confusion, I have a friend who swears she saw
> the Manchurian
> candidate on TV in the 70s. I think she might have it confused with
> something else but I do wonder if we've got any other
> anecdotal evidence
> that the movie was out there (or definitive statement that it wasn't)

I'm certain I saw it on TV in the early/mid '70s. I'm afraid I'm not a very reliable witness, though, since I had totally forgotten about it (I was just a kid then, anyway) until I saw the '80s rerelease. When that Queen of Hearts came up, it struck me that I had seen this before.

Incidentally, SUDDENLY was shown on Swedish TV a couple of weeks ago. Yes, this is indeed a fine movie, and Frankie is impressively creepy. One thing disappointed me, though, and that was Sterling Hayden. I like him fine in just about everything from ASPHALT JUNGLE to THE LONG GOODBYE, but here he made every line of his sound like a rather pompous declamation.

/ Anders

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