Re: RARA-AVIS: Where have you gone Rara-Avis

From: Joy (
Date: 14 Jul 2010

  • Next message: Brian Thornton: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re:Don Winslow"

    A lovely lot of reading, but I especially want to agree with The Cleanup, which is so different. I have to point out that the cop in the story is not getting along well with his department and has been assigned to guard a supermarket, which is considered degrading, and having nothing much to do on the job, he begins worrying that a cashier is in a battering relationship. This isn't a police procedural, at least not a standard one.
         And I didn't know Sean Doolittle was a listmate. Joy

    On 7/13/2010 9:41 PM, Karin Montin wrote:
    > The Cleanup, by Rara-Avian Sean Doolittle (2006). Now this was a
    > page-turner. I really liked the characters and the action moved right
    > along. A big plus--the murder that sets off the chain reaction is of a
    > violent man with criminal connections by his battered girlfriend. A
    > complicated cop tries to help her out. Things go from bad to worse
    > pretty fast. Lots of moral grey areas to keep you up at night.

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