Re: RARA-AVIS: Dirty Sweet

Date: 23 Feb 2008

> You didn't find Be Cool, Pagen Babies, Tishomingo
> Blues, The Hot Kid, or Mr. Paradise "rivetting"?
> If that's the case, I'd say you're pretty hard to
> please. Who do you like?

Get Shorty is the last Leonard that impressed me. Be Cool not so much. Out of Sight is a better movie than a book. I barely remember Pagan Babies and Mr. Paradise I couldn't even finish. Tishomingo Blues has languished in my TBR for ages. haven't felt compelled to pick up The Hot Kid

other guys I've run out of gas on: Ellroy, Hiaasen, Lawrence Shames. I've got 3 James W. Halls in my TBR. they've been there awhile. still think I'll get to them though. maybe I just got tired of reading about FLA

I just finished Don Winslow's THE DEATH AND LIFE OF BOBBY Z. thought it was exhilarating, but the ending didn't quite live up to its potential. I'd read and loved CALIFORNIA FIRE AND LIFE before. I'm definitely getting more of his work

I enjoyed Megan Abbott's QUEENPIN, but her work seems more like an exercise than an expression

I like Vicki and Jason and Terrill's stuff a LOT

Mario asked me to moderate Michael Connelly month coming up, so I guess my admiration shows

Kent Harrington has become a personal friend of mine. got nuthin but love for Kent

I still like T Jeff Parker and Bob Crais, Tom Perry, Steven Hunter, Walter Moseley, Gerry Petievich whenever he decides to write a book. Larry Block is like comfort food. I'm a big fan of Greg Rucka's. Donald Harstad has a series of rural procedurals I enjoy

of the dead guys, I like Cain, Hammett and Chandler about equally and learned something different from all 3. I've read THE CHILL by Ross McD and haven't felt a need to read any more. I liked all of the Travis McGees and all the Matt Helms by Misters MacD and Hamilton. I think Charles Willeford was a demented genius. Lawrence Sanders wrote a few pretty good books. so did Ross Thomas

I mean to take a look at Dave Z, Al G, Duane S and Charlie H when I get the chance

and I really enjoyed Richard Helms' short story in the first issue of The Back Alley. shout out to Rick

that's pretty much me

John Lau

************** Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.

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