RARA-AVIS: Allan Guthrie's Top 200 Noirs

From: menglish47 ( menglish47@yahoo.com)
Date: 22 Nov 2007

Although Mr. Guthrie is far too humble to draw notice to his list of his favourite noirs, here is the link to his Top 200 on his website:


They are broken down chronologically and there's quite a few I have never heard of but will now hunt down to read based on his recommendation.

Side note on one of the noirs mentioned in the list:

While watching "The Bad and the Beautiful" the other night on TCM, I noticed that during a scene in which Lana Turner is standing near a paperback stand, you can clearly see the cover of David Goodis's
"Cassidy's Girl" amongst the titles.

Back to lurking...

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