Re: RARA-AVIS: John MacDonald's colors

Date: 07 Feb 2004


Re your comment below:

> His editor - I don't remember his name - finally
> persuaded John D. to do
> a series. John D. was strongly against it, but
> finally gave in.

I've heard that the reason MacDonald's editor was so anxious for JDM to develop a series was that Gold Medal had lost its best performer, Richard S. Prather, to Pocket Books and needed a quick replacement.

I've also heard that part of the impetus for Prather's leaving Gold Medal was their rejection of his politically oriented Scott novel, THE TROJAN HEARSE
(the second time they'd supposedly rejected a Scott novel on political grounds; the scuttlebutt is that PATTERN FOR PANIC was originally published by an outfit other than Gold Medal because GM was uncomfortable with the anti-commie stance taken in that book; later they were forced to publish their own edition at a fairly premium price).

Can you, or anyone else, confirm any of this?


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