RARA-AVIS: Mysteries, Movies & Mayhem

From: McHale, Steve ( SMcHale@filenet.com)
Date: 17 Sep 2000

I caught the fever while I was in the store and bought the joint!

I'm renovating it now and plan to reopen in about two weeks. The store will be called Mysteries, Movies & Mayhem and the emphasis will be on hardboiled books and films (although we will try to carry a little bit of everything). It will take a while to get up to speed, but if all goes well the "Grand Opening" party will be on October 14. I expect to see you L.A. birds flocking to the roost! (There will be booze....)


Congrats on your new endeavor. I'm an L.A. bird (Orange County, actually). Where is your bookstore located?

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