RARA-AVIS: Re: Zero Effect

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:22:28 -0500 >Run, do not walk, to your nearest video store. Rent THE ZERO EFFECT,
>then settle back and watch a 90s PI who understands the value of the
>computer. And while you're at it, tell me who Darryl Zero really is.

Daryl Zero, of course, is really Sherlock Holmes. The Zero Effect is a
great movie, one of the funniest crime films in a long while. It's literate
and witty, and gosh, just everyone should go see it. It's not really
hardboiled, but anyone who ever enjoyed reading any Sherlock Holmes stories
will definitely be hearing echoes. Daryle Zero (Bill Pullman) is the
"world's most private eye," amateurish musician and drug addict (sound
familiar) and Ben Stiller is his frontman, Steve Arlo. Steve meets the
clients, does the legwork, narrates the film, and generally acts as a sort
of nineties' Watson. Really fun. And it was written by the twentyish son of
Lawrence Kasdan (Body Heat, Big Chill, etc.).

And, um, that's who Daryl Zero really is. Do I win anything, Reed?

Kevin Smith
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