
Re: RARA-AVIS: Unpublished Willeford -Reply

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Andrew Davie wrote:

> >>> JAMES MOUNTAIN <cheryl-james@bcsupernet.com> - 4/28/97 9:29 AM >>>
> Black Ace Books in L.A. had some photocopies of Grimhaven for sale.
> You  can call Rose at (213) 661-5052 for more info.
> For anyone who's interested, i just talked to Rose and she has ONE
> copy left that she's selling for $40.  It's out of my price range (I
> was thinking it would $10-$20), but i certainly would be interested
> in borrowing it and making more copies for anyone that was
> interested...
> Andy
> Andy
  Andy, if you can do this thing, run-do-not-walk to the bookstore in
question and Do It.  Hell, I'll pay you $30 for a copy, just so long as
you make sure that it REMAINS AVAILABLE in some form after Rose's last is
snapped up.  This will earn you canonization and a free pass to the
Fleabag Hotel In The Sky.  You know you wanna do it, Andy.
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