RARA-AVIS: Kindle? Wait 'til you see what Google has planned.

From: Terry Sanford (mbtbone@yahoo.com)
Date: 06 Nov 2009

  • Next message: jacquesdebierue: "RARA-AVIS: Re: JIM THOMPSON"

    On Charlie Rose last night, there was an author who has done an insider's look at Google in a new book entitled, Googled. Google, which has a motto of "Do no evil" or something to that effect, decided to digitize all known books. It was not clear whether that was books in the world or just the U.S. Anyhow, they have or are in the process of digitizing twenty million books. Google had bever given a thought to copyrights etc and naturally ended up in court fighting various publishers and the result was a $120 Million settlement. This week, yet another court case begins where someone woke up and realized the monopolistic aspects of this deal and have sued Google. How many publishers will that put out of business, if Google prevails.I think Kindle would be wonderful to reduce the ridiculous costs of college textbooks.They won't get us though. I collect signed first editions and my wife collects pop-up books. Kindle or Google that! I do love the smell of old
     paper too.Terry Sanford


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