Re: RARA-AVIS: Kiss Me Deadly

From: William Ahearn (
Date: 11 Dec 2007

--- Patrick King <> wrote:

> I'm not saying that Blow Up is specifically a spoof
> on
> Chandler or Wells expect to the extent that they
> represent western story telling.

All by themselves? That's quite a burden.

> Hemming tosses the corpse away just
> as
> surely as he tosses the guitar neck.
Patrick, I just flat out don't understand what you're bringing to this film. We could go back and forth on this meaning and that meaning and I'm sure we would end up in nowhere. Having said that, there is absolutely nuttin' noir about the flick. Even using the all-inclusive, unified field theory of noir it doesn't make it. We will not only never agree on any aspect of Blow Up, I doubt we could even find a common language and I don't mean to imply that my language is better than yours. I just mean that we see films from points too far for the waving semaphores to be seen.


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