Re: RARA-AVIS: A Whiff of Sulphur -- Eureka!

From: William Ahearn (
Date: 06 Dec 2007

--- wrote:

> William wrote:
> ". . . the fact remains that The Long Goodbye is
> good cinema."
> I happen to agree with this estimation, but can
> aesthetic judgements
> ever really be matters of "fact"? As Tad Allagash
> once said, "Taste,
> after all, is a matter of taste."
Think of it as an idiomatic expression and then it isn't a problem. Having said that, there are certain qualities that are obvious. At least to me. To stay on topic, one could argue that Marlowe's character is portrayed as Chandler envisioned him in The Lady In The Lake and -- based on that criteria -- The Lady In The Lady is a truer Marlowe film than The Long Goodbye. I don't agree but I see how someone could think that. Taking it out of that realm, I doubt anyone could seriously make a case that The Lady In The Lake is good movie-making. It's a silly and clunky conceit that gets annoying within the first 10 minutes of the film. The first thing I wanted to do when I saw The Long Goodbye was to have a double feature with Kiss Me, Deadly. All I wanted to do after seeing The Lady In The Lake was to take it back to the library. It's a terrible film and Chandler deserved better.

That's what I meant.


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