RARA-AVIS: Re: Ernie noiring about

From: Marc Seals ( mseals@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: 23 Feb 2004

Regarding Ernest Hemingway as a noir or hardboiled writer:

Remember what Chandler said about Hammett and Hemingway in "The Simple Art of Murder":
"Hammett was the ace performer [of the hard-boiled school], but there is nothing in his work that is not implicit in the early novels and short stories of Hemingway. Yet, for all I know, Hemingway, may have learned something from Hammett as well [. . . .]"

I think that most readers would consider Hemingway's story "The Killers" and at least the first half of the novel TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT rather noirish....

I've been thinking about this for a few months. I am giving a paper at this summer's International Hemingway Society Conference (in Key WEst this time) called "Hemingway According to Raymond Chandler: Hack or Hard-Boiled Hero?" Chandler actually wrote quite a bit about Hemingway....


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