RARA-AVIS: police procedurals & Top Banana

From: Joy Matkowski ( jmatkowski1@comcast.net)
Date: 11 Aug 2002

Jim Doherty asked, "Why aren't his books procedurals? Is the police work deliberately and pointedly inaccurate? Is there not even a pretense of accuracy a la Elizabeth Linnington? If the police work is accurately depicted (or even purported to be accurate), then it is a police procedural."

Well, the protagonists are high-ranking police, but there isn't any police work in it. Mostly, the three top cops try to undermine each other or prevent one from physically attacking a second or sleep with the another one's wife. Much of the book is from the top criminals' perspective, and they have similar dysfunctional relationships.
    Maybe I've just read the wrong book in the series, but I'm not impressed. Then again, if I'd read this after a string of mediocrities, instead of after the great books I've been reading, it might've seemed better.

Joy, starting the other James next

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