RARA-AVIS: RE: Kenny Rogers

From: Dick Lochte ( dlochte@adelphia.net)
Date: 12 Jul 2002

As long as we're delineating the intricate ties of Kenny Rogers to the mystery and crime field, didn't the man have an occasional TV series in which he played a murder solving con man? It'd take a better memory than mine to come up with the name.

On another subject, today's New York Times has a review of "Road To Perdition" in which the critic refers to a young boy reading a Lone Ranger "graphic novel." Here's my question. If a comic book from the Twenties or Thirties (whenever the movie takes place) is now called a graphic novel in America's newspaper of reference, don't we owe it to the hardboiled writers of yore to come up with a pretentious name that will elevate the status of the so-called "pulp novel"? Maybe "visceral fiction" or "roman bon marche." I'd veto the use of "noir" simply because it's too closely tied to pulp movies.

Dick Lochte

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