RARA-AVIS: Poodle Springs

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 21 May 2002

A PI novel about a tired old guy who can't give it up -- especially since his wife is loaded with dough. (Yeah and written by a tired old guy and a guy who was a hot ticket at the time, and still is.)

The book was tired, the movie even more tired, but don't you think Paul Newman could have done a hell of a job as Marlowe the elder.

Nobody plays dynamic old guys like Newman--because he knows he's old and doesn't try to play it older.

Jack Bludis

===== THE BIG SWITCH, by Jack Bludis http://designimagegroup.com/bigswitch.html Coming in September: THE DEAL KILLER
"New Guy on the Block" in MYSTERY STREET

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