Re: RARA-AVIS: Fact checkers

Date: 21 Apr 2002

<< >Stewart said, "Too bad his editor didn't hire some fact
>checkers too."
>Usually the copy-editor checks things like that, and I'm
>surprised it was missed.

If I remember Ellroy's book tour speeches he boasts that he himself does none of the research, just hires researchers who produce reports for him.

Is copy editing a dying art? Not working in the trade I wouldn't know, but as you (more knowledgeable) people say that it is I see no reason to doubt it. That would be sad. I don't find that many errors in the stuff I read and I think one mistake in 700 pages or so isn't so bad, somethings bound to get through - remember the famous version of the bible (17th Century I think), that left a not out, producing "Thou shalt commit adultery".

Sunday best to you all Colin

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