RE: RARA-AVIS: Big Question: Forstater

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 19 Dec 2001

You have my answer already, and Gorman a big yes as well. Publishers like series because each book in one sells the others...

For Muller, I'd recommend TROPHIES AND DEAD THINGS as a good place to start among her McCone novels.

For Pronzini, as good as the Nameless Detective stories I've read have been, I'd start with his short story collections (as opposed to the good to superb anthos he's horror, sf, and westerns as well as cf, and probably beyond). Pronzini's "Strangers in the Fog" remains one of the best suspense stories I've read. DOUBLE, by the eventually married couple of Muller and Pronzini, is a decent stunt, one they've replicated with other characters of theirs.

For Gorman--well, the recent historical mysteries are a good place to start... TM

-----Original Message----- From: Forstater, Mathew [mailto:]

Oh yeah, also, I mentioned the anthologies--obviously Gorman and Pronzini (and Muller?) know good stuff. I like some of their short stories, but I've never read any of their novels. Should I?

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