RARA-AVIS: Willeford -- page and screen

From: Steve Miller ( readingbear@earthlink.net)
Date: 05 Jan 2001

I have really enjoyed getting reacquainted with Willeford. I read MIAMI BLUES over the holiday weekend, and it just so happened that HBO ran the film this week, also. It was the first time I had seen it in years, and I still like it. It strikes me as one of the more faithful HB adaptations. Ward was great as Hoke, and I even liked Baldwin as Junior. It's a shame his career has tanked in the interim, because the man has talent. I thought the weak point was JJ Leigh as Susan, which is hard for me to say since I admire a lot of her work.

Some obvious liberties taken in translating the book to screen, but a lot of great moments from the book (such as the old man in Hoke's hotel who hands out tissues in the lobby to everyone who walks in).

What sayest the group?


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