Re: RARA-AVIS: Gaboriau and ex(?)-cons

From: Keith Deutsch (
Date: 02 May 2000

------Original Message------ From: Juri Nummelin <> To: Sent: May 2, 2000 6:09:50 PM GMT Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Ed Bunker and ex(?)-cons

Dear Juri,

I'm not having a good day re memory, but as I recall, Gaboriau (?sp) was a talented self-exploitor whose exploits for the French police are contested by scholars. Some say he was a pretty accurate reporter. Others say his memory (like mine recently) was faulty---or he was a brilliant fabricator. As I recall he created an indexing system that is the forerunner of modern police archival methods. If he be the same fellow I read about, I know he influenced Poe. I thought that there was recent evidence, however, that Dickens inspiration was a series of real newspaper acounts. (Another technique that influenced Poe--although he was a famous hoaxer, also).

All this remains untrustworthy information. My files are not with me.


You mean Gaboriau, who wrote his memoirs early in the 19th century and became sort of a example for Poe and Dickens, like you said.



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