RARA-AVIS: How old?

From: Brian Lawrence ( bdlawrence@netscape.net)
Date: 06 Jan 2000

I was born in 1961. As a fifth and sixth grader I started reading the Hardy Boys. Probably read about half of what was available at the time. Then, I got away from mystery and read almost exclusively science fiction and fantasy.

I got back into crime fiction / mystery about 6 years ago. McBain's POISON was one that got me back into it. However, I don't read exclusively crime fiction, I still dabble in SF/F and mainstream fiction.

I'm pretty "uneducated" when it comes to hardboiled, as I've read more of the newer writers and less of the classics. I'm one of those that likes the detective to have a life and be a deeper character.

This has been an interesting list for me. If I ever get my TBR pile down, I have lots of ideas for where to go next.

Brian Lawrence http://www.eclectics.com/brianlawrence

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