Re: RARA-AVIS: A bit more Block

M-T (
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 15:36:30 -0400

Martha Penningar:

<<And a big gold star to Mr. Block for so effectively raking Joyce Maynard over the coals in his new book The Burglar In The Rye. I realize the Bernie books aren't noir, but I've always considered revenge to be a major theme of the genre and I'd say Block and Bern acquit themselves very well this time out.>>

Those "Burglar" books are full of mischief, including plenty of allusions. This series is hard to classify -- it's not hardboiled but it's certainly not cozy. The burgling is presented realistically, and the hero is not an exemplary citizen. There are moments of high suspense. My favorite is _The Burglar who painted like Mondrian_, a hilarious takeoff on modern art.

I dig myself a deeper grave (offtopicity-wise) by mentioning a very interesting article on art forgery that appeared in last week's New York Times Magazine. An obscure English painter generated tons of fakes, which were authenticated by his "fence". Apparently, a lot of major museums and collectors were taken in.



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