Re: RARA-AVIS: Naked Kiss

MT (
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 22:44:48 -0500 Dave:

<<"The Naked Kiss" is a freak of noir nature, like almost all of
Fuller's pictures ... they're unique and idiosyncratic, that's why he's
such an auteur. The most traditional noir he probably ever did was
"Pickup On South Street," or "Underworld, USA," the latter being closer
to the gangster genre.>>

It's been a long time, but I do remember The Naked Kiss as a terrific
movie. This is the Cainian version; the longer version follows.

The truth is that I saw it when I was in my late teens and pompously
held the opinion that Alan Resnais, Jean Luc Godard, Marguerite Duras,
and Alain Robbe-Grillet were cool and guys like Fuller were hacks. Not
surprisingly, I thought TNK was a terrible film. However, to this day I
haven't forgotten that first time I saw it, while my recollections of
encountering "Muriel", "Marienbad", and similarly "deep" films from the
Nouvelle Vague are vague* and the desire to see them again, nonexistent.

I also want to mention that Sam Fuller was early on a pulpster who wrote
short stories and novels in the crime genre. The one story I've read, in
the Barnes and Noble collection "Pulp Fictions" (I said something about
it here), is very good and totally coherent with Fuller's film style.


Mario Taboada

*Except when I was accompanied by some special chick, of course. With
this, er, physical criterion for cinematic memorability, I would have to
deem _Beach Blanket Bingo_ an unalloyed masterpiece.
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