Re: RARA-AVIS: New Member on the List

James Rogers (
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 21:29:49 -0500 (CDT) At 07:30 PM 8/3/98 -0400, Jim Doherty wrote:
> Greetings, everyone. I've been an anonymous lurker for a couple of
> weeks to get the lay of the land, and I thought it was time to
> introduce myself.
> My name is Jim Doherty. I'm a federal cop in one of the more obscure
> government law enforcement agencies in Chicago. Also a newly
> published mystery writer (my first short story, "Unmatched Set,"
> appears in the April 1998 issue of *Mystery Buff Magazine*; don't
> worry, I won't post any fiction on the list). I've also writen
> articles and reviews for fanzines and convention books, particularly
> *Mystery Readers Journal.
> My favorite PI charcter is the Continental Op.
> My favorite American tough-cop series is the 87th Precinct.
> My favorite non-American tough-cop series is the inter-related mosaic
> of novels about the Lessford Metropolitan Police (Lessford being a
> fictionalized Leeds and the surrounding county area being a
> fictionalized West Riding of Yorkshire) by retired British cop John
> Wainwright, who would be a good non-American HB writer to try on the
> list.

We have been so busy "not flaming" each other in re Willeford
that I am not sure that anyone welcomed you to the list. You will find
plenty of folks who will agree with you respecting the Op stories and more
than a couple of 87th Precinct fans as well...whether they are hardboiled or
not probably requires a seperate thread (for the record, I think they are
far more worthy of the term than the Vachss books or the Robert Parker
novels). We are only lately having our collective "mind-expansion"
respecting non-US authors.
And congratulations on your first sale.

James Michael Rogers

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