RARA-AVIS: On posting fiction here

Frank D (bearlodge@email.msn.com)
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:46:34 -0700 Mr. Feldman seems to think that we were given a test and failed. I think
not. This is a hardboiled discussion group not a hardboiled fiction
critique group. Having both written fiction (it's bad enough that I foist
it on a few friends for comments) and having taught fiction and critiqued
these beginners I agree with what someone said earlier about sensitive
beginning writers. Perhaps this fellow isn't a beginner; Mr. Feldman says
the person asking the question is a published author. So what happens when
we conjointly leap all over his prose, his plot, his characterization, his

We're here to discuss hardboiled fiction which has been published, not to
help someone through some rough spots in a manuscript. Yes, I know that
rejection is difficult. Just got a manuscript back in the mail last week.

Someone else commented that they couldn't keep up with the reading list that
we have. Me, too. Partly my fault since I read other genres, plus western
history and, mighod, have even been known to read a mainstream.

I've wandered too long about this. In short, no fiction. Thanks for


Frank Denton

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