RARA-AVIS: james ellroy

Alicia1998 (Alicia1998@aol.com)
Wed, 27 May 1998 02:00:05 EDT [Note from listowner: This person is not on the list. Please Cc: them (or
the list) in any reply.]

Hi !
My name is Alicia and i am a senior in high school. I am doing a group
research project on James Ellroy and I was wondering if you could help.
We are to find and videotape sites in Los Angeles where either Ellroy lived at
or spent his time at and/or where his characters spent their time. Then we are
to give info. about his life and his literature.
Surprisingly, the research part has been a cinch compared to finding landmark
places that relate to Ellroy. So far, we have only found Arroyo HS where his
mother's body was found and a bookstore where he is said to have spoken...
If you know of any other places we can visit ( ie. like his home, his school,
any places in his books, etc.) or if you know of any internet sites we can
look at, please write me back. Thank you very much I appreciate it.
Alicia Sanchez

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