RARA-AVIS: Back Atcha, Fred!

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@total.net)
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:38:51 -0400 Fred,(and everyone else, natch!)

I guess what I really wanted to know is, was Brennen originally black? I
remember liking the book, and seeing the flick late one night, and being
sorta underwhelmed, and disconcerted. All this happened years ago. I don't
much give a damn if Brennen was black or white or charteuse, but it
bothered me that I might have read a book and forgotten the race of the

Coincidentally, I came across a reference a few months ago that referred to
Loren Estleman's Amos Walker (another 30-ish cranky PI) as being black.
Huh? Am I an even sloppier reader than I thought, or am I growing
colour-blind in my old age?

So, anyway, how's this for a topic? Worst casting in films and television
in this genre? I'll start off-Robert Urich as Spenser. Great as Dan Tanna,
too lite though for Spenser (although, now that he's been through the
wringer, and has a few years on him, he might be better.)

Kevin Smith
Weg Guy for The Thrilling Detective Web Site
For info, mailto:kvnsmith@total.net

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Bob Dylan, via Sam Spade

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