After over two-and-a-half days, the Cirrus Hosting outage is over. It began around 2000 on Tuesday 19 December 2023. In the afternoon of Thursday 21 December this was posted, which raised my hopes … but seven hours later when I took the screenshot, they had sunk.

At 1030 this morning they announced it was fixed. I couldn’t ssh in to my server so I opened a new ticket, and by 1300 I was in again.
That’s a sixty-five hour outage and there was no direct communication from Cirrus at all. All the people handling tickets could say was that they were sorry if I had been inconvenienced. The only public communications from Cirrus were four (maybe five) updates on its status site, which has since been edited.

I didn’t see anything on Reddit or the general web about this. I’m not on Twitter or Facebook, so maybe there was discussion there and I missed it. There’s no mention of it on Cirrus’s site. I’m surprised it all seems to have happened so quietly. I leave this review and the previous post here to dissuade people from using Cirrus and its parent, World Host Group.
Recommendations for a good Canadian hosting servce are welcome.