“Just a Lonely Little Girl” is a story about Veronica staying in touch with all her friends by phone during the day. As part of her day she goes to the Riverdale public library to do some research and she borrows three thick books.

The librarian is a smiling, attractive middle-aged white woman with glasses. Veronica has been talking on her phone while in the library, but if she was speaking quietly and wasn’t in a silent study space then the librarian wouldn’t mind.
“Just a Lonely Little Girl” was written by Greg Crosby, pencilled by Dan Parent, inked by Jim Amash, coloured by Barry Grossman and lettered by Vickie Williams. It first appeared in Veronica 156 (January 2005) but I read it in Betty and Veronica (Jumbo Comics) Double Digest 277 (November 2019). It is copyright Archie Comic Publications.