“Tutor Trouble” is a story about Archie and Dilton. As usual, Archie is doing poorly in class, and as usual, Dilton is doing poorly with girls, so they help each other out, and it doesn’t end well for either of them.
It begins with Dilton going into the Riverdale High School library and noticing that Archie is “a little down,” though the evidence shows Archie is actually smiling. A mean-looking grey-haired woman librarian at a desk (helpfully labelled “Librarian”) says “Shhh!”

“Tutor Trouble” was written by George Gladir, pencilled by Bob Bolling, inked by Rudy Lapick, coloured by Barry Grossman and lettered by Bill Yoshida. You can see the names Golliher, Bolling and Lapick on the spines of books on the left. Bill Golliher is an Archie writer and artist, but this story is credited to George Gladir, so I’m not sure why his name is there. I read the story in Archie and Me (Jumbo) Comics Digest 23 (January 2020); it appeared earlier in Archie and Friends Double Digest 21 (December 2012) but I don’t know if that was the first appearance. It is copyright Archie Comic Publications.