RARA-AVIS: 1001 Midnights

From: djpenfold2003 (djpenfold2003@yahoo.co.uk)
Date: 11 Jul 2009

  • Next message: jacquesdebierue: "RARA-AVIS: Re: "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy"

    Hi everyone. I just checked out '1001 Midnights' from my local library, I've been wanting to take a look at it for years. Its undoubtably fascinating and the editors really know their stuff, but I gotta say that I found some of the choices ( or rather, lack of them ) quite surprising. For example Fredric Brown gets four entries, not that I;m not saying he wasn't a fine writer, but someone like Eddie Bunker isn't even mentioned, I mean how can you leave out 'No Beast So Fierce'! Other writers that aren't included.....Edward Anderson, Eric Knight, Charles Willeford (!), Robert Edmond Alter, Ted Lewis and James Ellroy ( the book came out in 1986 so how about 'Brown's Requiem'?) and loads more............ Has anyone got any opinions on this matter or read the book ?

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