Re: RARA-AVIS: Serial Hardboiled?

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 02 Feb 2002

>Oliver says:
> Hello all, I'm new to the list and a bit of an aspiring writer (yeah, I
> know, nothing new). I'm planning to do a serial story in on my website and
> was wondering if anyone knew about any stories told serially in the
> hardboiled/noir genre. From what I understand a lot of the pulp
> comics/magazines (40s era) were done this way, but are there others?

i'm pretty much a newbie to hardboiled myself, so i can't help you on your question about serial stories, but there are a lot of very knowledgable people here who will know.

i just wanted to say: welcome to the group and good luck on your story.


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