Re: RARA-AVIS: Serial Hardboiled?

From: Brian Evankovich (
Date: 02 Feb 2002

Hi, Oliver. The only "serial" stuff I'm familiar with are the cliffhanger serials from the '30s, '40s and '50s like Flash Gordon (I have all three Flash serials on DVD and they are awesome!). A hardboiled piece like that would lean heavy on action, in my opinion, and Mickey Spillane is the only hardboiled writer I know to put a heavy blend of action in his work. But I would love to see somebody take it on and I'll check out your site to see how you do it. Just because we may not know of any serial hardboiled stories doesn't mean they can't be done (if there aren't any, one should be done) so knock 'em dead on the site and then sell the story and make a ton of money.

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