RARA-AVIS: James Crumley's short story: "Hot Springs"

From: Etienne Borgers ( freeweb@rocketmail.com)
Date: 18 Nov 2000

In MURDER FOR LOVE (1996) Otto Penzler assembled 16 short stories by several mystery writers, and he claimed the stories were all originals written for the book, in his Introduction.

Concerning James Crumley's HOT SPRINGS -one of the 16
- Penzler pretends it's the first time in 23 years Crumley publishes a short story. He states this in his Introduction and repeats it in his presentation for Crumley's short story.

Quote: "This is James Crumley's first short story in twenty-three years and it is without question one of the finest stories ever written, filled with characters and texture enough for any serious novel"

As far as I remeber, I've seen Crumley's short stories with copyrights after 1973. I'm puzzled here...

Does somebody know if Penzler's statement about the 23 years span is justified? Is it because some previous stories by Crumley were not really 100% mystery or crime ?

Thanks for any clue.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6384

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