Re: RARA-AVIS: Great Mystery Reviewers

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 06 Jul 2000

Although I read the mystery reviews in the Washington Post, I must admit I use it more as a release notice. If a book looks promising, I check it out in a store or bring it up here for response.

For instance, I kinda noted God Is A Bullet in its Post review, but it was the discussion here that got me to buy it. In hardback, no less.

Of course, since I buy mostly paperbacks, I often forget about the hardback review by the time it comes out in paper.

Oh yeah, last Sunday's Post gave a pretty positive review to The Third Eye by David Knowles and Paco Ignacio Taibo II's new book. I know about Taibo, but what about The Third Eye? Also, there is a passing reference to The Mutlicultiboho Sideshow by Aleks D. Pate as edgy and intense. Any comments?


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