RARA-AVIS: Re: Realism and Reality

ejm duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:44:14 -0700 This has been a fairly interesting discussion but, to add my two
penn'orth, one which is concerned largely with procedural accuracy.
This is different, I would suggest, from 'realism'.

Someone has already made the point that 'realism' is a mode of
representation and that which passes for realism (ie degree of
verisimilitude) can and does change over time---which is why old films
(like On The Waterfront, say) look 'dated'. Apart from costume, what we
are seeing are the *codes* of realist representation from another time.
Someone else made the same point, using the example of TV cop shows:
once Hill St Blues was at the leading edge of a form of realism; that
has been supplanted by NYPD Blue and Homicide. I agree with all this
[ie this concurs with my pre-existing, firmly-held prejudices about what
realism is].

The point I want to make here though is that 'realism' depends less upon
procedural accuracy than on character and motivation. Thus what is
represented as 'knowable' is ego-driven; characters are motivated by
desire, revenge, etc. This is why space-operas like Star Trek and Star
Wars are realist, and, of course, concerns about how councillors operate
on Tatooine and the correct procedure for beaming alien life forms
aboard an imperial craft have no bearing on realism.

OK, I need to get back inside the anorak now,


|   <http://www.ejmd.mcmail.com>     |
|                       |

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