Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: savages/winslow

From: sonny (
Date: 26 Nov 2010

  • Next message: Patrick King: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Hello . *--u"

    i haven't read Dawn Patrol (or CA Life and Fire), tho i certainly hope to.

    of what i've read, a recommendation for what to read first would depend on the person. if i thought they might only read one and are into longer and epic books, then Dog. Bobby Z is the lightest and some people prefer that. Frankie Machine i liked better than Bobby Z and it's tougher.

    but there are some people i know who i'd recommend Savages to first.

    david c., as far as the Maslin quote, do you think she meant it negatively? as opposed to meaning that this is his best yet and most likely to be a big seller?

    actually you (and winslow) answered that. obviously you both did take it negatively.

    --- On Fri, 11/26/10, cptpipes2000 <> wrote:

    > From: cptpipes2000 <>
    > Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: savages/winslow
    > To:
    > Date: Friday, November 26, 2010, 11:58 AM
    > David asked:
    > > I'd be interested in what other listers thought on
    > this point: which book would you select as a starting point
    > for Winslow if the person had never read him?
    > I think for anyone on this list, Power of the Dog is the
    > perfect entree to Winslow. The first I remember hearing of
    > Winslow was this RA post from Craig Larson in 2005:
    > and within the month I was a bona fide Winslow fan.
    > For a more casual crime fiction reader, Dawn Patrol might
    > make more sense as it is an easier read (I do not mean this
    > as a slight at all for DP).
    > This is a somewhat related anecdote: The Power of the Dog
    > is so epic in scope, that when Frankie Machine was released
    > not that many months later, I assumed it would be a breezy
    > palate cleanser before he moved on to his next project. I
    > took it with me on an eight-hour plane ride and quickly
    > discovered it was anything but that.
    > I can't say enough good things about these books.
    > Chris
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