RARA-AVIS: Classic Convention Program -- Noircon

From: Jack Bludis (buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 17 Nov 2010

  • Next message: tomarmstrongmusic: "RARA-AVIS: recent reads etc"

    David Corbett said, among other things:

    "The beauty of it (The Noircon conference) was its size, or lack of it. We were all arranged at tables in a space the size of a generous classroom, and the collegiality was impressive and inspiring."
    ----- David, thanks for that (Which I already knew) but also for your comprehensive digest of the conference. It's a conference that deserves more respect.

    I was there in 2008, so I know the setting and all that. Not only that intimate but among the guests and the speakers were some of my favorites, all-time.

    It was one of my best ever experiences at a conference.

    I got to meet David Thompson in 2008, something I may had missed at a larger conferences.

    And what noir and hard-boiled writer could fail to appreciate sharing a very small table with Vicki Hendricks, Megan Abbott and Christa Faust? I even bought Christa a drink--bottled water.

    All set to go again in 2012 and I will make it this time.

    Jack Bludis

    "Shadow of the Dahlia," a Shamus finalist novel at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com New edition trade-paper, Kindle, and Nook


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