RARA-AVIS: Hugh C. Rae / Robert Crawford?

From: Juri Nummelin (juri.nummelin@pp.inet.fi)
Date: 20 Oct 2008

  • Next message: Juri Nummelin: "RARA-AVIS: Whittington's Western, Charro"

    Has anyone here read books by Scottish writer Hugh C. Rae who has also used pseudonym Robert Crawford? I just finished his THE MARKSMAN (1971) that was the basis for the three-part BBC show (which I haven't seen). It's an excellent hardboiled novel, with comic touches, but basically a tragedy of revenge, in a realistically portrayed Scottish milieu. I've read earlier one of his novels as by Robert Crawford, COCKLEBURR (1969) and I thought it was excellent, too.

    Any info on what happened to Rae? He seems to be alive, but abandoned writing in the mid-eighties, after publishing a series of paperbacks (I presume) under pseudonym James Albany.


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