Re: RARA-AVIS: Steve Fisher - No House Limit

From: jacquesdebierue (
Date: 02 Sep 2008

  • Next message: Gonzalo Baeza: "RARA-AVIS: Re: The 3rd Voice/All the Way"

    --- In, Patrick King <abrasax93@...> wrote:

    > This is interesting. A similar claim is made by Donald H. Wolfe,
    author of THE BLACK DAHLIA FILES, who, in that book, advances a very peculiar conspiracy theory around Bugys Siegel and Elizabeth Short and an LA Police cover-up. Apparently several future writers grew up in close proximity to the mansion owned by Virginia Hill Where Siegel was murdered 5 months after Short's melodramatic demise. I wonder if anybody left alive really knows anything about these crimes that has not been brought to light?

    I think the great Luciano movie by Francesco Rosi goes into this in some detail, though it's been years since I've seen it. As I recall, Lansky and Luciano made a deal to bump off Siegel. I don't know about the police and the coverups. Nobody was too eager talk, I assume.

    That is a movie I have to see again. Volontè was fantastic in it. I also remember a great Italian book on Luciano's career. I am almost sure that I lost the book in some move or other.



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