RARA-AVIS: Re: Super Heroes, Comics, and Noir

From: Mark Finn (markfinn@texas.net)
Date: 25 Jul 2008

  • Next message: JIM DOHERTY: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Super Heroes, Comics, and Noir"

    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, DJ-Anonyme@... wrote:
    > However, I must quibble with one of your statements:
    > "Comics are a story telling medium. That's it. You can do anything with
    > comics that you can do with movies or books."
    > These three media are far from equivalent. Although there is a big
    > overlap in their storytelling abilities, each has its unique strengths
    > and weaknesses compared to the others.
    > Mark

    Well, I won't quibble with your quibble, and since we're discussing things in the abstract rather than the particular, let me re-state the above by saying this:

    Comics are a story telling medium, in the same way that movies are a story telling medium and books are a story telling medium. Some stories may work better in certain medium, but essentially, there's nothing sub-par nor stunted about comics, only the stories that they usually tell.

    Will that work?

    Mark Finn

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