RARA-AVIS: Re: Street Kings (Is Ellroy Losing his Halo?)

From: jacquesdebierue ( jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com)
Date: 03 May 2008

--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Nathan Cain" <IndieCrime@...> wrote:
> I have been putting off seeing this movie. There was once a time when
> I would have rushed out to see anything with Ellroy's name attached to
> it, and I'm kind of surprised it took so long for anyone to bring it
> up on this list. It would seem like a movie with an Ellroy penned
> story would a big screaming deal on a list dedicated to hard boiled
> crime fiction. It seems, however, to have hardly made an impression on
> anyone. It wasn't too long ago that Ellroy was the toast of the hard
> boiled world. It seems to me, like some of the shine has worn off. I
> know I kind of got sick of him mouthing off about his dead mother, and
> doing the tortured genius shtick. It began to get unseemly, quite
> frankly. He suffered a great loss as a kid and had a terrible
> childhood, but his dwelling on it so much began to make me
> uncomfortable. It's unsettling to see a grown man work out his mommy
> issues so publicly. Has Ellroy gone off the rails, and squandered his
> cachet? What say you fellow list members?

Since Ellroy isn't running for Miss Agreeable Personality, I prefer to judge him on his work. I think the books he published before American Tabloid, together with Hollywood Nocturnes and My Dark Places, are enough to make him into one of the great hardboiled writers. I thought American Tabloid and A Cool Six Thousand sucked, unreadable stuff...



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