RARA-AVIS: Question for Michael Connelly

From: cptpipes2000 ( cptpipes@hotmail.com)
Date: 27 Mar 2008

michaelconnelly187@...> wrote:
> i don't remember thinking Donald Southerland. Maybe now Keifer. But
> I usually sidestep that question because I have lived with the
> imagined vision of Bosch in my head since about 1989. It makes it
> hard to see anybody else.

Michael, would you share more about how you came to create Bosch? It seems apparent that you had him thought through as a series character with an extensive backstory from the first page of The Black Echo and that you had a vision for where he would go from very early on. Is this assumption correct?

Many hardboiled protagonists strike me as an idealized version of the author, and Bosch does not seem to fit that bill either.




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