RARA-AVIS: Re: 77 Sunset Strip

From: jxshannon2@aol.com
Date: 12 Feb 2008

I hope this isn't too OT, but to anyone enamored of the hipster jazz 50s, the widow of Art Pepper is putting together--very slowly--a video bio of one of the really really greats of jazz (I have to jump in here because I grew up in San Pedro, too) On YouTube, just search for Art Pepper and you'll find several pieces of it that are really compelling--and he's worth it, and she's trying hard. Here's the first piece:
_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVST7vr10d0_ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVST7vr10d0)
  John Shannon

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