RARA-AVIS: Up In Honey's Room

From: vagrantpacific ( pacificvagrant@gmail.com)
Date: 06 Jan 2008

Just finished the latest Elmore Leonard. Have mixed feelings. On one hand I feel his style is opening up, evolving, becoming even more fluid and balanced between his narrator's voice and the voices of his characters. On the other hand nothing really happens, which is always sort of the joke with Leonard, especially his later stuff, but with Up In Honey's Room, really not much is going on. So if the plot is so light then is there something else at work here? A time and a place - Detroit at the end of WW2? Some kind of social or philosophical or aesthetic pondering. Not really. Is this what you do when you get old, you dive back into some memory cave and doodle on the walls? Still, I'll take him over the cheap posturing of a lot of other crime writers I read this year. He still deals the real.

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