RARA-AVIS: Magazines collected

From: Terry Sanford ( mbtbone@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 Nov 2007

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm collecting all of Detective Fiction Weekly and its predecessors and successors plus all the major digests like Queen, Hitchcock, Saint, Manhunt etc.

Then I collect most other pulps by the author's stories, thanks to Cook & Miller's Mystery, Detective and Espionage Fiction, a great pulp index. The hard-boiled authors I collect are Daly, Hammett, Chandler, Norbert Davis, Frederick Nebel, H. McCoy, J. Allen Dunn, Judson Philips, Paul Cain, Wm. McGivern, Woolrich and many more.

As a Bill Crider fan, I collect Richard Sale and Milo Ray Phelps plus Gardner's Lester Leith stories for humor also.

For affordable pulps, I recommend Detective Fiction Weekly. Many of these can found in the $10 - 20 range. I wrote an article about these for Steve Lewis' Mystery File ezine. The article can be accessed at www.mysteryfile.com/DFW/DFW.html

Did I join too late or was Robert Leslie Bellem's Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, not mentioned in the hard-boiled parody list? Although these were pulps stories, there are a half-dozen or more book collections and a movie done in the last 10-15 years

Terry Sanford

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