RARA-AVIS: Steven Torres

From: bookbitch ( BookBitch@yahoo.com)
Date: 21 Aug 2007

Has anyone read Steven Torres? I just read The Concrete Maze, and I really liked it. It's set in NYC and is about a 13-year-old Puerto Rican girl who hooks up with a really bad guy, and her father & cousin try and get her back. It's very dark, and I couldn't put it down.

The author describes it as both noir and hard-boiled, and I think he's right. He even includes some "reading group discussion questions" in the back of the book in which he asks for comparisons to the classics in the genre.

I haven't read his other books so I don't know if these are recurring characters or not, but I'm definitely going to look for more of his books.

Cheers, Stacy

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