From: E. Borgers (
Date: 14 Apr 2007

Concerning the covers of the French HCC, I must admit that it was difficult for them to use the old US paperbacks-like drawings in France (because of the ancient local editions of low value that carried this kind of covers in the old days). IMHO they could have used it only as an image in a composition made around it, not as a full page. But, on the other hand, I personally dislike the kind of covers they are using now.
  And you are right: for the time being nothing is reproduced inside J'ai Lu's official Web site.
  But you may have a look at the following page which reproduces the covers and the logo:{F66BB497-61DC-4A4F-B995-3A7AB0BB89CD}
  Apparently, the McBain novel was long ago already published in S鲩e Noire, but it was under the Curt Cannon pseudonym. The present French HCC version do not use Cannon as the name of the central character, as it was done in the original (1958 - I Am Cannon for Hire), and of course changed the title as well.
  "J'ai Lu" is rather well distributed, so let us hope they will do something interesting with the rest of the new collection.

hardcasecrime <> a 飲it : It hasn't gone up yet, but J'ai Lu have told me they plan to put up a French version of our Web site, which will feature all their covers.


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