RARA-AVIS: New books

From: cptpipes2000 ( cptpipes@hotmail.com)
Date: 26 Mar 2007

I had a nice weekend for picking up new books of interest. I had no idea that Domenic Stansberry had released a follow-up to Chasing the Dragon last year, which is a tad embarrasssing. It's called THE BIG BOOM and it's set in San Francisco during the height of the dot-com craze. This is a worthy follow-up to his previous book featuring Dante Pelicano; Stansberry creates a, uh, dark and sinister atmosphere as well as anyone going. Highly recommended.

I have Ken Bruen's THE PRIEST and a new one from Joe Lansdale on deck from the local library, but I couldn't resist also getting the final book in Charlie Huston's Hank Thompson Trilogy, which I'm looking forward to greatly.

Also: I saw a new one from David Corbett called Blood of Paradise. Has anyone read this? I thought Done for a Dime was extraordinary so am looking forward to reading his latest at some point soon.

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